films and series

Buy scenes and actors from your favorite films and series on canvas or posters with picture frames online

Immerse yourself in the world of films and series with our high-quality canvas pictures and posters. Bring your favorite characters or iconic scenes into your home. From cartoon to action, every picture tells a story. Choose from a variety of styles, whether colorful and vibrant or classic black and white, to transform your room into a cinema hall to transform. Bring the fascination of the film world to your walls and relive the unforgettable moments again and again.


139 products
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Save up to €56,91
Das Bild auf einem weißen HintergrundDas Motiv hängt in einem Büro
Affengeile BilderThe Wolf of Wall Street
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
Das Motiv auf einem weißen HintergrundDas Motiv hängt in einem Wohnzimmer über einem Sofa
Matteo BianchiJoker by Matteo Bianchi
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €50,01
Das Motiv auf einem weißen HintergrundDas Motiv hängt über einer Kommode
David DrakeMister Wick by David Drake
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €56,91
Das Motiv auf einem weißen HintergrundDas Motiv hängt in einem Esszimmer
Affengeile BilderCash Count
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €41,91
Das Motiv auf einem weißen HintergrundDas Motiv hängt über einer Kommode
David DrakeSmoking Joker by David Drake
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €56,91
Das Motiv auf einem weißen HintergrundDas Motiv hängt über einer modernen Sitzgelegenheit
RS ArtistJames Bond by RS Artist
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
Das Motiv auf einem weißen HintergrundDas Motiv hängt über einer Kommode
Affengeile BilderGodfather
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €41,91
Das Motiv auf einem weißen HintergrundDas Motiv hängt über einem modernen Sofa zwischen zwei Fenstern
Lukas AvalonMickey Supreme by Lukas Avalon
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €56,91
Chaplin Art No 1 by Banksy - Affengeile BilderChaplin Art No 1 by Banksy - Affengeile Bilder
BanksyChaplin Art No 1 by Banksy
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €41,91
"Mickey Love" by Sean Flores - Affengeile Bilder"Mickey Love" - Affengeile Bilder
Sean FloresMickey Love by Sean Flores
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €56,91
Livesavers by Banksy - Affengeile BilderLivesavers by Banksy - Affengeile Bilder
BanksyLivesavers by Banksy
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €41,91
Das Motiv auf einem weißen HintergrundDas Motiv hängt in einem Schlafzimmer über einem Bett
Sean FloresDonald & Daisy by Sean Flores
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €56,91
"Cash Duck" - Affengeile Bilder"Cash Duck" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderCash Duck
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €41,91
Chaplin Art No 2 by Banksy - Affengeile BilderChaplin Art No 2 by Banksy - Affengeile Bilder
BanksyChaplin Art No 2 by Banksy
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €41,91
"Harveys Wisdom" - Affengeile Bilder"Harveys Wisdom" - Affengeile Bilder
David DrakeHarvey's Wisdom by David Drake
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €49,91
Gangster Mickey by Rosa Piazza - Affengeile BilderGangster Mickey by Rosa Piazza - Affengeile Bilder
Rosa PiazzaGangster Mickey by Rosa Piazza
Sale priceFrom €24,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €41,91
"Batman" by Lukas Avalon - Affengeile Bilder"Batman" by Lukas Avalon - Affengeile Bilder
Lukas AvalonBatman by Lukas Avalon
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €66,91
Italian Boss by Zuppini - Affengeile BilderItalian Boss by Zuppini - Affengeile Bilder
ZuppiniItalian Boss by Zuppini
Sale priceFrom €77,99 Regular price€108,90
Save up to €41,91
"Tom & Jerry" by Sean Flores - Affengeile Bilder"Tom & Jerry" by Sean Flores - Affengeile Bilder
Sean FloresTom & Jerry by Sean Flores
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €56,91
Chaos in Gotham - Affengeile BilderChaos in Gotham - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile IntelligenzChaos in Gotham
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €113,91
"Cartoonidols" -Triptychon by Sean Flores - Affengeile Bilder"Cartoonidols" -Triptychon by Sean Flores - Affengeile Bilder
Sean FloresCartoonidols triptych by Sean Flores
Sale priceFrom €43,99 Regular price€54,95
Save up to €41,91
"Bruce Lee" - Affengeile Bilder"Bruce Lee" - Affengeile Bilder
David DrakeBruce Lee by David Drake
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €221,51
The Wolf of Wall Street Goldversion auf Acryl - Affengeile Bilder"The Wolf of Wall Street" Goldversion auf Acryl - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderThe Wolf of Wall Street Gold on Acrylic
Sale priceFrom €289,99 Regular price€361,90
Save up to €41,91
"Money Duck" by Sean Flores - Affengeile Bilder"Money Duck" by Sean Flores - Affengeile Bilder
Sean FloresMoney Duck by Sean Flores
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €41,91
"007 No Color Print" - Affengeile Bilder"007 No Color Print" - Affengeile Bilder
David Drake007 No Color Print by David Drake
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €41,91
Follow your Dreams Minnie by Frank Daske - Affengeile BilderFollow your Dreams Minnie by Frank Daske - Affengeile Bilder
Frank DaskeFollow your Dreams Minnie by Frank Daske
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €41,91
"Smoking Joker" NEW - Affengeile Bilder"Smoking Joker" NEW - Affengeile Bilder
David DrakeSmoking Joker NEW by David Drake
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €41,91
"Heath" - Affengeile Bilder"Heath" - Affengeile Bilder
David DrakeHeath by David Drake
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €41,91
"Donald Duck Drip" by Sean Flores - Affengeile Bilder"Donald Duck Drip" by Sean Flores - Affengeile Bilder
Sean FloresScrooge McDuck Drip by Sean Flores
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €56,91
"SEAN CONNERY" by RS Artist - Affengeile Bilder"SEAN CONNERY" by RS Artist - Affengeile Bilder
RS ArtistSean Connery by RS Artist
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
Cash Jump Dagobert by Kiss Pink - Affengeile BilderCash Jump Dagobert by Kiss Pink - Affengeile Bilder
Kiss PinkCash Jump Dagobert by Kiss Pink
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
Abstract Spiderman by Rosa Piazza - Affengeile BilderAbstract Spiderman by Rosa Piazza - Affengeile Bilder
Rosa PiazzaAbstract Spiderman by Rosa Piazza
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €41,91
Minnie Mouse Streetart by Frank Daske - Affengeile BilderMinnie Mouse Streetart by Frank Daske - Affengeile Bilder
Frank DaskeMinnie Mouse Streetart by Frank Daske
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €56,91
Scarface by Kiss Pink - Affengeile BilderScarface by Kiss Pink - Affengeile Bilder
Kiss PinkScarface by Kiss Pink
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €41,91
"Minnie Drip" by Sean Flores - Affengeile Bilder"Minnie Drip" by Sean Flores - Affengeile Bilder
Sean FloresMinnie Drip by Sean Flores
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €41,91
"A King Rises" - Affengeile Bilder"A King Rises" - Affengeile Bilder
David DrakeA King Rises by David Drake
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €56,91
Retro Mickey by Frank Daske - Affengeile BilderRetro Mickey by Frank Daske - Affengeile Bilder
Frank DaskeRetro Mickey by Frank Daske
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €74,91
"Donald Duck" - Duo by Sean Flores - Affengeile Bilder"Donald Duck" - Duo by Sean Flores - Affengeile Bilder
Sean FloresDonald Duck - Duo by Sean Flores
Sale priceFrom €43,99 Regular price€54,95
Save up to €54,91
"Blade Runner 2049" by Christian Amelung - Affengeile Bilder"Blade Runner 2049" by Christian Amelung - Affengeile Bilder
Christian AmelungBlade Runner 2049 by Christian Amelung
Sale priceFrom €86,99 Regular price€108,90
Save up to €44,91
Heroes on Bench by Catill - Affengeile BilderHeroes on Bench by Catill - Affengeile Bilder
CatillHeroes on Bench by Catill
Sale priceFrom €81,99 Regular price€108,90
Save up to €56,91
Jokers Game by Adrian Vieriu - Affengeile BilderJokers Game by Adrian Vieriu - Affengeile Bilder
Adrian VieriuJokers Game by Adrian Vieriu
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
Joker Style by Adrian Vieriu - Affengeile BilderJoker Style by Adrian Vieriu - Affengeile Bilder
Adrian VieriuJoker Style by Adrian Vieriu
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €41,91
101 Devil by daveschloffiart - Affengeile Bilder101 Devil by daveschloffiart - Affengeile Bilder
daveschloffiart101 Devil by daveschloffiart
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €56,91
Work Smarter, Not Harder by Adrian Vieriu - Affengeile BilderWork Smarter, Not Harder by Adrian Vieriu - Affengeile Bilder
Adrian VieriuWork Smarter, Not Harder by Adrian Vieriu
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €41,91
Marilyn with Bubblegum by Daniel Decker - Affengeile BilderMarilyn with Bubblegum by Daniel Decker - Affengeile Bilder
Daniel DeckerMarilyn with Bubblegum by Daniel Decker
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €41,91
Live your dreams by Frank Daske - Affengeile BilderLive your dreams by Frank Daske - Affengeile Bilder
Frank DaskeLive your dreams by Frank Daske
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €79,91
Cash by Zuppini - Affengeile BilderCash by Zuppini - Affengeile Bilder
ZuppiniCash by Zuppini
Sale priceFrom €15,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €66,91
Jokerface by Zuppini - Affengeile BilderJokerface by Zuppini - Affengeile Bilder
ZuppiniJokerface by Zuppini
Sale priceFrom €77,99 Regular price€108,90

Szenen und Darsteller aus deinen Lieblingsfilmen und -serien

Tauche ein in die Welt des Films und der Serien mit unseren qualitativ hochwertigen Leinwandbildern und Postern.

Bringe deine Lieblingscharaktere oder ikonischen Szenen in dein Zuhause. Von Cartoon bis hin zu Action - jedes Bild erzählt eine Geschichte. Wähle aus einer
Vielzahl von Stilen, ob bunt und lebendig oder klassisch in Schwarz-Weiß, um deinen Raum zu einem Kinosaal zu verwandeln.

Bringe die Faszination der Filmwelt an deine Wände und erlebe die unvergesslichen Momente immer wieder neu.

Films and series and their actors on your wall

Immerse yourself in the world of action and cartoons with our varied canvas pictures and posters. Immortalize the iconic Joker in everything its dark splendor, or bring the charm of Mickey Mouse into your home. For action lovers, we offer extraordinary James Bond motifs that embody a sense of adventure and style. Each picture tells a unique story and brings the magic of the cinema to life in your room. Choose from a variety of styles and sizes to transform your space into a place of movie legends. Enjoy the presence of your favorite characters and the excitement of the big screen every day.

The Joker in different styles

Welcome to the dark and fascinating world of the Joker. Our canvas prints and posters capture the essence of this legendary character. The Cheshire Cat of crime, drawn in the finest details and vivid colors, brings the psychological depth of the Joker to validity. Feel the ambivalence between madness and genius as the Joker conquers the screen with his unmistakable smile. Choose from a variety of sizes and styles to showcase this iconic villain in your space and create an atmosphere of mystery. Let the Joker reign on your wall and feel the magic of chaos.

Popular comic heroes from TV

Immerse yourself in the world of timeless cartoon heroes! Our canvas pictures and posters bring the magic of Mickey Mouse, Tom and Jerry and Donald Duck directly into your home. Mickey, the charming and cheerful mouse father, exudes joy and nostalgia, while Tom and Jerry make young and old laugh with their humorous antics. The unforgettable adventures of the lively Donald Duck, who always gets into chaos, come to life on our high-quality prints. From classic to modern, from colorful to black and white - choose from different designs and sizes to enjoy your favorite heroes in their full glory.

Films and series from TV on screen

The pictures in formats between 30x40 cm and 100x200 cm are perfect for turning even spacious and large areas into a colorful eye-catcher. The great motifs impress with their high-quality print quality and their sharp resolution. Our pictures with motifs on the subject of films and series will make your guests, family and roommates jealous.

Haven't found the right motive yet?

Free shipping

Free shipping to DE and AT for orders over €150.