
Dive away to your favorite place or city with a canvas or poster with a picture frame

No matter whether San Francisco, Amsterdam, New York, Paris, or London ...decorate your wall with your favorite city. Perfect decoration for classic and modern style rooms. The offer includes canvas pictures and posters with or without frames. Canvas pictures with a cosmopolitan city like New York create an extraordinary atmosphere.


47 products
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Save up to €56,91
Das Motiv auf einem weißen HintergrundDas Motiv hängt über einem noblen weißen Sofa
Affengeile BilderNew York - Color Broadway
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"Amsterdam Bike" - Affengeile Bilder"Amsterdam Bike" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderAmsterdam Bike
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
Das Motiv auf einem weißen HintergrundDas Motiv hängt neben einem modernen Stuhl
YagedanMiami Vice by Yagedan
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €54,91
"Dubai Dreams" - Affengeile Bilder"Dubai Dreams" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderDubai Dreams
Sale priceFrom €86,99 Regular price€108,90
Save up to €54,91
"Golden Gate Bridge" - Affengeile Bilder"Golden Gate Bridge" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderGolden Gate Bridge
Sale priceFrom €86,99 Regular price€108,90
Save up to €56,91
"Cuba" - Affengeile Bilder"Cuba" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderCuba
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €41,91
"New York" - Affengeile Bilder"New York" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderNew York
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €56,91
Like a Rockstar by RS Artist - Affengeile Bilder"Like a Rockstar" - Affengeile Bilder
RS ArtistLike a Rockstar by RS Artist
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €41,91
"Color New York"  - Affengeile Bilder"Color New York"  - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderColor New York
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €56,91
"New York City" - Affengeile Bilder"New York City" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderNew York City
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"Umbrella - Sightseeing" Affengeile Bilder"Umbrella - Sightseeing" Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderUmbrella - Paris Sightseeing
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"Speicher Hamburg" - Affengeile Bilder"Speicher Hamburg" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderHamburg Storage
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €155,91
"Sightseeing" Triptychon - Affengeile Bilder"Sightseeing" Triptychon - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderSightseeing - Triptych
Sale priceFrom €47,99 Regular price€60,45
Save up to €56,91
"Vegas" - Affengeile Bilder"Vegas" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderVegas
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €54,91
"Paris"  - Affengeile Bilder"Paris"  - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderParis
Sale priceFrom €86,99 Regular price€108,90
Save up to €56,91
"Church Street"  - Affengeile Bilder"Church Street"  - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderChurch Street
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"Brandenburger Tor" - Affengeile Bilder"Brandenburger Tor" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderBerlin - Brandenburg Gate
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"Phone Booth - Sightseeing" Affengeile Bilder"Phone Booth - Sightseeing" Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderPhone Booth - London Sightseeing
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €54,91
"Dresden" - Affengeile Bilder"Dresden" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderDresden
Sale priceFrom €86,99 Regular price€108,90
Save up to €41,91
"Skyline Düsseldorf" - Affengeile Bilder"Skyline Düsseldorf" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderDüsseldorf Skyline
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €41,91
"Berliner Fernsehturm" - Affengeile Bilder"Berliner Fernsehturm" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderBerlin TV Tower
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €56,91
"Frankfurt" - Affengeile Bilder"Frankfurt" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderFrankfurt
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"San Francisco" - Affengeile Bilder"San Francisco" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderSan Francisco
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €65,91
Popart Eiffel Tower by Catill - Affengeile BilderPopart Eiffel Tower by Catill - Affengeile Bilder
CatillPop Art Eiffel Tower by Catill
Sale priceFrom €65,99 Regular price€108,90
Save up to €41,91
Statue of Liberty Pop Art by Frank Daske - Affengeile BilderStatue of Liberty Pop Art by Frank Daske - Affengeile Bilder
Frank DaskeStatue of Liberty Pop Art by Frank Daske
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €56,91
"Hochhaus" by Nenad Jovic - Affengeile Bilder"Hochhaus" by Nenad Jovic - Affengeile Bilder
Nenad JovicHigh-rise by Nenad Jovic
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"Hohe Domkirche Sankt Petrus" - Affengeile Bilder"Hohe Domkirche Sankt Petrus" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderCologne - High Cathedral Church of Saint Peter
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
Tokyo Traffic by Yagedan "Tokyo Traffic" by Yagedan - Affengeile Bilder
YagedanTokyo Traffic by Yagedan
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"LA Highway" - Affengeile Bilder"LA Highway" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderLA Highway
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €41,91
Japanese Kominka by Markus Mikolai - Affengeile BilderJapanese Kominka by Markus Mikolai - Affengeile Bilder
Markus MikolaiJapanese Kominka by Markus Mikolai
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €41,91
Toronto Lamborghini by Kiss Pink - Affengeile BilderToronto Lamborghini by Kiss Pink - Affengeile Bilder
Kiss PinkToronto Lamborghini by Kiss Pink
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €41,91
Statue of liberty - van Gogh Style by Markus Mikolai - Affengeile BilderStatue of liberty - van Gogh Style by Markus Mikolai - Affengeile Bilder
Markus MikolaiStatue of Liberty - van Gogh Style by Markus Mikolai
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €41,91
Pyramide island by Markus Mikolai - Affengeile BilderPyramide island by Markus Mikolai - Affengeile Bilder
Markus MikolaiPyramid island by Markus Mikolai
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €41,91
Paris eiffel tower by Markus Mikolai - Affengeile BilderParis eiffel tower by Markus Mikolai - Affengeile Bilder
Markus MikolaiParis Eiffel Tower by Markus Mikolai
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €41,91
Colosseum by Markus Mikolai - Affengeile BilderColosseum by Markus Mikolai - Affengeile Bilder
Markus MikolaiColosseum by Markus Mikolai
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €41,91
Bridge to the dessert by Markus Mikolai - Affengeile BilderBridge to the dessert by Markus Mikolai - Affengeile Bilder
Markus MikolaiBridge to the dessert by Markus Mikolai
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €54,91
Gotham City Car by Himmelmiez - Affengeile BilderGotham City Car by Himmelmiez - Affengeile Bilder
HimmelmiezGotham City Car by Himmelmiez
Sale priceFrom €86,99 Regular price€108,90
Save up to €56,91
"Frankfurt am Main" by Nenad Jovic - Affengeile Bilder"Frankfurt am Main" by Nenad Jovic - Affengeile Bilder
Nenad JovicFrankfurt am Main by Nenad Jovic
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart" - Affengeile Bilder"Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderStuttgart City Library
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"Stuttgarter Weinberg" - Affengeile Bilder"Stuttgarter Weinberg" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderStuttgart Vineyard
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"Münchner Rathaus" - Affengeile Bilder"Münchner Rathaus" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderMunich City Hall
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"Völkerschlachtdenkmal" - Affengeile Bilder"Völkerschlachtdenkmal" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderLeipzig - Battle of the Nations Monument
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"Kölner Dom im Herbst" - Affengeile Bilder"Kölner Dom im Herbst" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderCologne Cathedral in Autumn
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"Frankfurt Skyline" - Affengeile Bilder"Frankfurt Skyline" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderFrankfurt Skyline
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
Rainbow City by Jessica Loiterton "Rainbow City" - Affengeile Bilder
Jessica LoitertonRainbow City by Jessica Loiterton
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"Above it all" by Calibreus - Affengeile Bilder"Above it all" by Calibreus - Affengeile Bilder
CalibreusAbove it all by Calibreus
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"Bus - Sightseeing" Affengeile BilderBus - London Sightseeing - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderBus - London Sightseeing
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95

Sightseeing und Städtetrip ohne Reisen

Tauche ein in die faszinierende Welt der Leinwandbilder und Poster mit Stadtmotiven und bekannten Sehenswürdigkeiten. Ob im klassischen oder modernen Stil – diese Kunstwerke bringen das Flair und die Architektur von Städten wie San Francisco, Amsterdam, New York, Paris oder Berlin direkt zu Dir nach Hause.

Jedes Motiv erzählt eine Geschichte und fängt die einzigartige Atmosphäre dieser Metropolen ein. Perfekt für alle, die das urbane Leben lieben und ihre Wände mit ikonischen Ansichten schmücken möchten. Lass Dich von den schönsten Ecken der Welt inspirieren und verwandle Dein Zuhause in eine Galerie der Städte in verschiedenen Stilen!

Discover unique images of New York

Dive into the pulsating New York and buy an eye-catcher for your apartment. We have the right picture for every room - regardless of whether it's for Living room, bedroom, office or even a hip bar. Decorate your wall with a black and white poster or canvas / art print from New York.

Great motifs from London

You are looking for beautiful images with a landmark from London? Then you are exactly right with us. The Big Ben is the famous tower at the place of Westminster in London. The heaviest bell weighs 13.5 t. Our murals are decorated with a London telephone box or sightseeing bus in red. Big Ben is shown in black and white in the background.

Landmark of Paris

The Eiffel Tower with its height of 330 meters is located in Paris near the Seine. It is an amazing steel work of art with 1700 steps. Buy a canvas of the Paris landmark on canvas / art print or poster. You can also buy the matching picture frame online for the poster. You can choose between black, natural and white.

Are you looking for an eye-catcher on your wall?

How about the skyline Frankfurt am Main? Frankfurt as a metropolis has the only skyline with skyscrapers in Germany. We have a selection of great motifs for murals or posters with or without frames in our online shop.

Dresden at dawn

Dresden is the capital of Saxony. It is known for the Frauenkirche with its impressive dome. Have you ever been to Dresden? The Elbe flows through Dresden. Therefore Dresden is also known as "Florence on the Elbe" designated. Have you already discovered a well-known building on our motif? Buy a beautiful motif online with Dresden on a canvas or poster.

Munich on canvas or poster?

Lifestyle is very important in the modern cosmopolitan city. Buy a canvas or a cheap poster of the lively metropolis! The Munich town hall was built in the popular neo-gothic architectural style. The cellar is almost completely converted into an inn - the Ratskeller. Here you will find beautiful motifs from Munich.

Berlin sights

You surely know the Brandenburg Gate and the television tower? They all belong in the cityscape of the German capital.

Berlin is known worldwide for its architecture, festivals, nightlife and diverse living conditions. The most important economic sectors are tourism and the creative and cultural industries.

We have the right canvas or a poster with or without a picture frame with a beautiful picture of Berlin in our online range - here's the way.


Düsseldorf Skyline

Do you know the state capital of North Rhine-Westphalia? Düsseldorf is located directly on the beautiful Rhine. In the old town you will find the well-known Königsstrasse - also called Kö - with its exclusive shops and other listed buildings.You will also find 18 municipal museums.

Do you want a beautiful skyline picture of the Rhineland metropolis of Düsseldorf? Then you will find here our extraordinary canvas and poster collection.


Do you know the capital of Baden-Württemberg? The cityscape of Stuttgart is characterized by several hills, vineyards, valleys, lots of green spaces and dense urban development. In Stuttgart you can visit some castles or spend a day at the Stuttgart Zoo "Wilhelma". ; Do you like our picture in the city library or one of the vineyards? Then you are here right.


Leipzig has a lot to offer and is always one worth a visit. Have you already seen different sights? Such as the Battle of the Nations Monument or the St. Nicholas Church. We have the right picture on canvas or poster with frame for you. Look here .

Cologne Cathedral

Everyone associates Cologne with Carnival. There is always something going on in the Rhine metropolis. You can visit many museums or just go to the Rheinpark. End the day in a bar. The cathedral is a cathedral of superlatives. If you are looking for a beautiful motif with the Cologne Cathedral, then you will find here a few pictures. Have fun with it.

Hamburg Speicherstadt

High-quality murals (canvas or cheap posters) from the Hamburg Speicherstadt. The Speicherstadt is a landmark of Hamburg and is a listed building. It is the world's largest warehouse complex. In 2015 it was even added to the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Haven't found the right motive yet?

Free shipping

Free shipping to DE and AT for orders over €150.