
Nature pictures as wall art (canvas or poster)

With our landscape canvas pictures you will find a great selection if you want to design a new home.

The world has a lot to offer. In addition to the sunrise and sunset, our collection of motifs includes other motifs such as mystical forests, beach pictures and extraordinary landscapes.

Buy cheap pictures online at Affengeile Bilder.


100 products
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Save up to €54,91
Das Motiv auf einem weißen HintergrundDas Motiv hängt in einem Schlafzimmer über einem Doppelbett
ZenzdesignDreams NEW by Zenzdesign
Sale priceFrom €86,99 Regular price€108,90
Save up to €41,91
Das Motiv auf einem weißen HintergrundDas Motiv hängt in einem Büro
CalibreusAlone by Calibreus
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €54,91
"The Sea" - Affengeile Bilder"The Sea" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderThe Sea
Sale priceFrom €86,99 Regular price€108,90
Save up to €23,91
"Holidays" - Affengeile Bilder"Holidays" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderHolidays
Sale priceFrom €51,99 Regular price€64,90
Save up to €23,91
Das Motiv auf einem weißen HintergrundDas Motiv hängt in einem Schlafzimmer über einem Bett
Affengeile BilderBeach
Sale priceFrom €51,99 Regular price€64,90
Save up to €56,91
"Highway of Fire" by Calibreus - Affengeile Bilder"Highway of Fire" by Calibreus - Affengeile Bilder
CalibreusHighway of Fire by Calibreus
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €23,91
"Garmisch" - Affengeile Bilder"Garmisch" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderGarmisch
Sale priceFrom €51,99 Regular price€64,90
Save up to €56,91
"Jungle" - Affengeile Bilder"Jungle" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderJungle
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €23,91
"Palm Trees" - Affengeile Bilder"Palm Trees" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderPalm Trees
Sale priceFrom €51,99 Regular price€64,90
Save up to €56,91
"Red Forrest" - Affengeile Bilder"Red Forrest" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderRed Forest
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"Paradies" - Affengeile Bilder"Paradies" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderParadise
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"Sunny Palm Tree" - Affengeile Bilder"Sunny Palm Tree" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderSunny Palm Tree
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €41,91
Floral Head by Zenzdesign - Affengeile BilderFloral Head by Zenzdesign - Affengeile Bilder
ZenzdesignFloral Head by Zenzdesign
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €56,91
"Chasms" by Calibreus - Affengeile Bilder"Chasms" by Calibreus - Affengeile Bilder
CalibreusChasms by Calibreus
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €23,91
"Karibik" - Affengeile Bilder"Karibik" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderCaribbean
Sale priceFrom €51,99 Regular price€64,90
Save up to €102,91
"Moon"  - Affengeile Bilder"Moon"  - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderMoon
Sale priceFrom €13,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €113,91
"Holiday Feeling" - Triptychon by Jessica Loiterton - Affengeile Bilder"Holiday Feeling" - Triptychon - Affengeile Bilder
Jessica LoitertonHoliday Feeling - Triptych by Jessica Loiterton
Sale priceFrom €43,99 Regular price€54,95
Save up to €56,91
"Heißluftballons" - Affengeile BilderHeißluftballons - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderHot air balloons
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
Alpine Layers by Calibreus - Affengeile BilderAlpine Layers by Calibreus - Affengeile Bilder
CalibreusAlpine Layers by Calibreus
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"Interstellar" by Calibreus - Affengeile Bilder"Interstellar" by Calibreus - Affengeile Bilder
CalibreusInterstellar by Calibreus
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"Birds Eye" 1 - Affengeile Bilder"Birds Eye" 1 - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderBirds Eye No 1
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €23,91
"Desert" - Affengeile Bilder"Desert" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile Bilderdesert
Sale priceFrom €51,99 Regular price€64,90
Save up to €54,91
"West Coast" - Affengeile Bilder"West Coast" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderWest Coast
Sale priceFrom €86,99 Regular price€108,90
Save up to €41,91
"Birds Eye" 2 - Affengeile Bilder"Birds Eye" 2 - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderBirds Eye No 2
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €23,91
"Pink Forrest" - Affengeile Bilder"Pink Forrest" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderPink Forest
Sale priceFrom €51,99 Regular price€64,90
Save up to €56,91
"Sunrise Moon" - Affengeile Bilder"Sunrise Moon" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderSunrise Moon
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €41,91
Surfer Girls by Jessica Loiterton "Surfergirls" - Affengeile Bilder
Jessica LoitertonSurfer Girls by Jessica Loiterton
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €56,91
"The Alps" by Philipp Pilz - Affengeile BilderThe Alps by Philipp Pilz
Philipp PilzThe Alps by Philipp Pilz
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"Mystical Garden" - Affengeile Bilder"Mystical Garden" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderMystical Garden
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €41,91
"Vulcano" - Affengeile Bilder"Vulcano" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderVolcano
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €56,91
Fantasy Landscape by Henrivaux - Affengeile BilderFantasy Landscape by Henrivaux - Affengeile Bilder
HenrivauxFantasy Landscape by Henrivaux
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"Pastel Summer" by Yagedan - Affengeile Bilder"Pastel Summer" by Yagedan - Affengeile Bilder
YagedanPastel Summer by Yagedan
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €41,91
"Am Rand der Berge in Garmisch" by Nenad Jovic - Affengeile Bilder"Am Rand der Berge in Garmisch" by Nenad Jovic - Affengeile Bilder
Nenad JovicOn the Edge of the Mountains in Garmisch by Nenad Jovic
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €41,91
Surfing by Jessica Loiterton"Surfing" - Affengeile Bilder
Jessica LoitertonSurfing by Jessica Loiterton
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €41,91
The Wave by Jessica Loiterton "Die Welle" - Affengeile Bilder
Jessica LoitertonThe Wave by Jessica Loiterton
Sale priceFrom €25,99 Regular price€32,95
Save up to €56,91
Sunset by Jessica Loiterton - Affengeile BilderSunset by Jessica Loiterton - Affengeile Bilder
Jessica LoitertonSunset by Jessica Loiterton
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"Spring Lake" by Philipp Pilz - Affengeile Bilder"Spring Lake" by Philipp Pilz - Affengeile Bilder
Philipp PilzSpring Lake by Philipp Pilz
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"Forest Hills" - Affengeile Bilder"Forest Hills" - Affengeile Bilder
Affengeile BilderForest Hills
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"Sonnenaufgang im Allgäu" by Nenad Jovic - Affengeile Bilder"Sonnenaufgang im Allgäu" by Nenad Jovic - Affengeile Bilder
Nenad JovicSunrise in the Allgäu by Nenad Jovic
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
Beachlife by Jessica Loiterton "Beachlife" - Affengeile Bilder
Jessica LoitertonBeachlife by Jessica Loiterton
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €102,91
"Lake Seasons" - Duo - Affengeile Bilder"Lake Seasons" - Duo - Affengeile Bilder
Philipp PilzLake Seasons - Duo
Sale priceFrom €30,99 Regular price€38,45
Save up to €102,91
"Pioneering" - Duo by Calibreus - Affengeile Bilder"Pioneering" - Duo by Calibreus - Affengeile Bilder
CalibreusPioneering - Duo by Calibreus
Sale priceFrom €30,99 Regular price€38,45
Save up to €56,91
"The One Tree" Horizontal - by Philipp Pilz - Affengeile Bilder"The One Tree" Horizontal - by Philipp Pilz - Affengeile Bilder
Philipp PilzThe One Tree Horizontal - by Philipp Pilz
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"Amongst Giants" by Calibreus - Affengeile Bilder"Amongst Giants" by Calibreus - Affengeile Bilder
CalibreusAmongst Giants by Calibreus
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
Seeking Serenity by Calibreus - Affengeile BilderSeeking Serenity by Calibreus - Affengeile Bilder
CalibreusSeeking Serenity by Calibreus
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
Colossus by Calibreus - Affengeile BilderColossus by Calibreus - Affengeile Bilder
CalibreusColossus by Calibreus
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"The One Tree" by Philipp Pilz - Affengeile Bilder"The One Tree" by Philipp Pilz - Affengeile Bilder
Philipp PilzThe One Tree by Philipp Pilz
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95
Save up to €56,91
"Blue Hour Cascades" by Calibreus - Affengeile Bilder"Blue Hour Cascades" by Calibreus - Affengeile Bilder
CalibreusBlue Hour Cascades by Calibreus
Sale priceFrom €17,99 Regular price€21,95

Naturmotive für jede Stimmungslage

Unsere Motivkollektion zum Thema Natur entführt dich in die faszinierende Welt der natürlichen Schönheit. Von malerischen Sonnenaufgängen und stimmungsvollen Sonnenuntergängen bis hin zu mystischen Wäldern, beruhigenden Strandbildern und außergewöhnlichen Landschaften – diese Kollektion fängt die Essenz der Natur in all ihren Facetten ein.

Jedes Bild erzählt eine eigene Geschichte und bringt die Ruhe und Erhabenheit der Natur direkt in dein Zuhause. Ob als inspirierendes Leinwandbild im Wohnzimmer oder als Poster für deine meditative Kulisse im Büro, diese Kollektion schafft eine Verbindung zur Natur und bringt ihre zeitlose Schönheit in jeden Raum.

Dreamlike sunsets for bedroom

We have romantic photos of sunsets, whether by the sea or in the forest. A canvas with a sunset in the bedroom invites you to have beautiful holiday dreams . Wonderful how the sun shines through the canopy of leaves in the forest, as impressive as the sun sets over the sea. Buy wall pictures online with sunsets that are perfect for the kitchen, living room, practice or hobby room.

< h3>You don't need a green thumb for our posters

You can bring nature into your home in a variety of ways. Discover our large selection of canvases and posters, which include everything from sunrise and sunset to other motifs such as mystical forests , beach pictures to cover extraordinary landscapes. Create a wonderfully homely atmosphere in your home. You don't need to have a green thumb to create a jungle at home.

Life is better at the Beach!< /h3>

Blue is reminiscent of a bright sky, the depth of the sea, the last summer vacation and the light breeze on the beach promenade. Sun rays on the face and sand under our feet: at the sea we feel free and happy. Do you also long for a day on the beach, for the feeling of freedom and lightness? Our amazing pictures bring exactly this carefreeness and pure joy of life into your everyday life. True to the motto: Good vibes only! You can do your next trip Don't wait any longer? Then bring the summer feeling to your home!

Refresh your home with our pictures!

Your home should be a place of well-being. A room in which you can recharge your batteries and switch off from everyday life. Create a feeling with the right furnishings that is noticeably good for you as soon as you enter your apartment. Design your four walls with our awesome pictures in a variety of sizes and styles (canvas and posters ).

Calibreaus (Zach Doehler)

Zach Doehler is one of our landscape and nature photographers from British Columbia, Canada. He is inspired and motivated by the beauty of the landscape. Quote: "I want to inspire others to get outside and explore their garden. So many people are completely unaware of the natural beauty that surrounds them. I want people to understand how beautiful and special our planet

Phillip Pilz

Philipp is a nature photographer from Germany. With his photographs he conjures up a unique atmosphere and mood. His landscapes and animals tell stories.

Buy panoramic wall pictures online as canvas

Are you looking for a more unusual picture format? Then take a look at our panoramic wall art collection. They give the living and working spaces a stylish ambience.

Panorama pictures on the wall allow you to detach yourself from gray reality and embark on an amazing journey.

Haven't found the right motive yet?

Free shipping

Free shipping to DE and AT for orders over €150.